Rain before the Snow

It looks like that time of year is here. The rainy season before the snow. Our yard has become a disaster zone with mud puddles and dirt everywhere.

the puppies are also all turning brown because of how muddy they get just by going outside.

I have to admit, this is my least favorite time of the year.

Not so much because of the dogs making a mess, but because THEY get so dirty.

It also takes them forever to dry and it’s colder so it’s unpleasant for them to be washed.

But at least the extreme heat is gone.

I’m just excited for the snow. The puppies love the snowy season since they can run around and chew on the ice all day.

In November we are improving their room one more time and hopefully for the last time.

So I’ll keep you all posted on that.

But in any case that’s my two cents for today. Have a good one!


Dog Runs & Outside Time