Aloha & こんにちは


Aloha to KOJI MEDIA 株式会社

Koji Media Kabushiki Kaisha was founded in Hawaii and established in Yamaguchi-Ken, Japan in September 2020.


We focus on capturing the essence of food, culture and tradition through the use of photography, videography and social media.


Our goal is to travel through Hawaii and Japan and experience what the two islands who have a deep bond, have in common.


Our family immigrated from Yamaguchi-Ken, Japan in the 1800’s to the Big Island of Hawaii. In Yamaguchi, our family dedicated their lives to the cultivation of Oranges (Mikan) and when they relocated to Hawaii, focused on operating various businesses which included a Fish Market, Candy Company and Soda Production Facility.


My brother and I, started Koji Media Kabushiki Kaisha to provide ourselves the opportunity to realign ourselves with where our family came from and identifying the connection that has been formed between the two islands that has grown over generations.

兄と私は世代を超えて成長してきた2つの島の間に形成されたつながりと家族の出身地と自分自身の間に形成されたつながりと新たに寄り添う機会を提供するために、Kōji Media Kabushiki Kaishaを始めました。

We will catalog our experiences and share them with you. Thank you for stopping by and we hope you come back again.


Mahalo and ありがとうございます!