Dog Runs & Outside Time

Our dog run area has started to get a little to warm because of the encroaching summer. The mud that was packed due to the snow melt has started to dry and has become a fine powder that is going EVERYWHERE. It’s an ongoing battle that I am rapidly losing. So I need to come up with a plan to remedy this!

I’m personally thinking wood chips BUT the puppies like wood and I’m not sure if they’ll eat it, which of course I don’t want. OR SOD or astroturf. Normally I would go with the most “cost effective” option but since it’s for the puppies I don’t mind spending a little extra. But the questions arise, is sod worth it? The grass will die during the winter and I’m not sure if it’ll grow back. Then the question of “is fake grass weird” keeps going through my mind for astroturf….

I really like the idea of wood chips as most of the time its cedar and it smells amazing… But again the whole eating of the wood. I’d say I have another week or so to make the decision before it becomes an issue. I want to get the puppies a small kiddy pool to play in during the hot hot summer days. So getting the mud and dirt under control has to be priority one.

Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on the matter? I could use some input!


Rain before the Snow


Living with DOGS in Japan