The Climate Change is REAL
So as most of you have been experiencing the weather has been, hot. Here in Japan the temperature has broken over 100ºF almost everyday so far and it’s been rough. I managed to leave the house the other day to visit a friend and basically roasted in the hot sun. We all need to prepare as best as we can to ensure none of us experience heatstroke, dehydrations etc. The struggle is real!
In our home of Hawaii, there was a disaster that struck the island of Maui. The beautiful town of Lahaina is no longer there due to a sudden, massive fire that destroyed almost the entire town. This was likely due to the fact that there was an unnaturally hot summer coupled with hurricane storm conditions that fueled the fire to spread faster then anyone could have ever imagined.
The devastation there is extreme and our hearts go out to the families that have lost so so much.
As a survivor of a natural disaster I can say that it changes your life. NO ONE expects to have to rush, or deal with making decisions in a panic but in situations like this, its necessary. You sometimes won’t have the chance to calmly sit and figure out what is needed and what is not. It’s also so scary on how things in your life can change so quickly.
Needless to say our experience and now coupled with what we have witnessed in our home state our “readiness” is on full alert. There are several typhoons headed to Japan over the course of a few weeks and I have everything I need ready in case the need to evacuate is made.
I guess the main reason for this post is to highlight the importance of being ready, alert and aware. Life changes, and sometimes its so fast you can’t wrap your head around things. But being as prepared as you can be, may help in the long run.
Our hearts here go to the families of Maui and pray that life will get better for you, you find your center again and hope that your healing process can start sooner rather then later.
Until the next one…