The Beauty in Diversity

In recent days we all have noticed a great divide in the USA regarding politics but what has become apparent in a lot of statements is that a large majority of the USA is against diversity. While not directly mentioned, its truth is revealed through the rhetoric.

America was founded under the premise of accepting the new, immigrants came to the USA to make a better life for themselves, to chase dreams and to discover who they are or could become in a new world, open minded and opportunity filled.

But the mindset quickly changed when slavery became acceptable. Through this practice, it slowly ingrained racism and a sense of “higher purpose” in some which passed down through generations. To this day you can see the anger in their eyes when it comes to inclusion.

What made America such a draw to the world, is something that the old “rulers” see as horrible or unacceptable. Diversity is what makes us great, diversity is what teaches us new things, it allows us to see the world through someone else’s eyes and experience different cultures and traditions.

Diversity is not scary. It is not hard. And those who cannot accept those who are different… are honestly weak.

In the age we live in now, a “problem” like diversity is obsolete. Many families are now mixed, many families have integrated and have evolved. So what is wrong with change? What is wrong with seeing something through someone else’s eyes?

It saddens me to think and to witness people carelessly put their lives above others. As if they are superior and that their dreams should come first. And while I think on a personal level you should try to achieve your own personal goals, you should never cut off or undermine someone else’s because you can’t accept difference.

I pray that one day the USA shines again. I hope that they can admit to their wrongdoings, embrace change and understand the true meaning and beauty of diversity….


It’s ALMOST Time!


Heater is Heating