It’s ALMOST Time!
The weather forecast on our phones are finally saying “SNOW” which means, hopefully in the next few days we will have a blanket. Being honest the only reason I’m really looking forward to this is because of the mud the rain causes. The puppies have been getting so dirty and having to hose them down every single time we go inside has become a slight chore and I feel a little bad since they get cold..
We have moved some of our heaters into the puppies room area to keep the warm.
On Wednesday it’s said to be about 30ºF in the evening and it’s supposed to snow. So we shall see.
Part of the reason to run our heaters recently is to ensure they are working and don’t give us any issues through the winter. Our father is planning on buying a large heater later in December when he arrives and once we get that, I’ll be installing it in the puppies room so we have less heating devices all over.
The smaller ones we have will just be backup incase the power goes out or something like that.
While winter provides a difficult situation in regards to driveways etc, it’s a beautiful time in Japan. Something about it, is honestly just magical.
In any case I can’t wait and will update you as soon as the first snow at our house happens!