Pokemon & Its Domination of the World
I remember back in 1999 Pokemon came into the world, or at least to Hawaii.. not know what it was or its purpose, I like many others pushed it aside.
As old as this makes me sound, back then it was much more fun to play outside.
after what seemed like a rocket ship start it quickly became the thing that everyone was talking about.
I remember my baseball friends asking me if I watched the show or if I had either the cards or game.
I was 100% behind on the times and didn’t get it until much later in the trend.
Here we are in 2024 and Pokemon is still a relevant piece of daily life.
It’s amazing that something has lasted the test of time. And whoever was behind the planning or strategies of Pokemon were genius…
Breaking it down they were able to cover multiple fields of interest;
Card Game
Video Game
Mobile Game
Other Collectables
So the question is, who was in charge of planning the future of the game? And did they really expect and anticipate the success that has become Pokemon?
I wonder if there is something behind this strategy that the rest of us can understand and possibly utilize to do better in the worlds we live?
Anyways this was my random thought for the day.