Raw Diet for Dogs

My goal eventually is to convert the puppies from their current diet to a raw one. Currently we are feeding them kibble as a base but as one would imagine it’s not the best option for your puppies. But of course it is the most friendly economically. So how do we help make our kibble better?

Personally this is the breakdown of what we feed our dogs:
2 Cups of Kibble
5 Sardines
1 teaspoon Moringa Powder
1 half teaspoon tumeric
1 tablespoon of Yogurt
twice a month a raw bone with marrow inside and frozen carrot
While I know our current menu is not the best for the puppies, it’s what we can afford with the budget we currently have. As we grow as a business, my plan is to add more raw meat into the kibble base and or course other supplemental foods like fruits, organ meats and bone broth. The internet search result with this general suggestion:

To make dog kibble a little more healthy, consider adding fresh, nutritious ingredients to enhance its nutritional value. Start by mixing in a small amount of cooked lean meats, such as chicken or turkey, to provide extra protein and flavor. Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables like carrots, blueberries, or green beans can boost vitamins and antioxidants, supporting your dog's immune system. You can also add a spoonful of plain yogurt or a splash of low-sodium chicken broth for added taste and digestive benefits. Lastly, consider including omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil or flaxseed oil to promote a healthy coat and skin. By enhancing your dog’s kibble with these nutritious additions, you can create a more balanced diet that contributes to their overall health and well-being.

Again and from personal experience I know not everyone can afford to add extreme amounts of supplemental foods to their dog food. But it’s a goal we are trying to reach for them.

With the loss of their mom, I want to give the puppies the best fighting chance they can get to live happy, healthy, long lives. They have given so much to me in such a short time, I want to return the favor and give them what I can in this world.

個人的に、私たちが犬に与える食事の内訳は次のとおりです。ドライフード 2 カップ、イワシ 5 匹、モリンガ パウダー 1 ティースプーン、ターメリック 1/2 ティースプーン、ヨーグルト 1 テーブルスプーン、月に 2 回、骨髄入りの生骨と冷凍ニンジン。現在のメニューが子犬にとって最善ではないことはわかっていますが、現在の予算で可能な範囲です。ビジネスとして成長するにつれて、ドライフードのベースに生肉をもっと加え、もちろんフルーツ、内臓肉、骨スープなどの補助食品も加える予定です。インターネットの検索結果には、次のような一般的な提案があります。

ドッグフードをもう少しヘルシーにするには、新鮮で栄養価の高い材料を加えて栄養価を高めることを検討してください。まず、鶏肉や七面鳥などの調理済みの赤身の肉を少量混ぜて、タンパク質と風味を補います。ニンジン、ブルーベリー、インゲン豆などの新鮮な果物や野菜を加えると、ビタミンや抗酸化物質が強化され、犬の免疫システムをサポートします。また、味と消化に良い効果を得るために、スプーン一杯のプレーンヨーグルトや低塩チキンブロスを少し加えることもできます。最後に、魚油や亜麻仁油からオメガ 3 脂肪酸を取り入れて、健康な毛と皮膚を促進します。これらの栄養価の高い材料を加えてドッグフードを強化することで、よりバランスの取れた食事を作り、犬の全体的な健康と幸福に貢献できます。



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