Weather as it may be

According to the weather forecast as of right now, it looks like at the end of November the snow will start to be “heavy”, which would mean winter is starting a lot sooner then it did last year. So the real question becomes does that mean we will have a shorter or longer winter period?

Last year our winter or rather heavy snow falls started around December 29. It lasted until around March 30. So if its to start when its expected to this year and ends the same time as it did last year then we are looking at an extra month of heavy snow!

I remember the first heavy snow night last year it dropped about 5 feet of snow in a matter of hours. My brother and I were outside at 1:00AM shoveling what we could to ensure we could still have access to our car and the house.

So as one could expect, I am a little concerned with a potential extra month of heavy snow.

But really the snow is something that is beautiful. It truly transforms the environment and how you can enjoy life in Hokkaido. The snow acts as a sound absorber so it’s as if the world is quiet again. It also brightens the sky making walks at night much more enjoyable.

So lets see what it’ll be like and i’ll be sure to share the journey with all of you!


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