Tentative Results
So as my last post stated I was meeting with an attorney to discuss the situation I find myself in in regards to my grandparents citizenship.
The meeting started off fast and then slowed down due to translation issues and the complexity of the situation.
I presented what we had found, with the supporting documents and what not.
And from a legal standpoint the attorneys agree that it appears our grandparents never renounced Japanese citizenship so they should be entitled to being added to the families Koseki Tohon.
But that is where the lawyer said he would not be able to assist further.
The Koseki Tohon or family register is a very guarded piece of family information. And even if I had signed a power of attorney for him to represent us, only direct lines of relation can access the Koseki.
So he said as much as he wanted to help he wouldn’t be able to do anything other then drop off the paperwork. He of course apologized.
But then we discussed what route to take and what information I should gather. He lead me to specific pieces I should prepare and told me to get letters from our family in Japan to help confirm relationship and a stronger connection to Japan.
This journey has just started. So there will be a lot to come. And I’ll do my best to keep updating each of you on the steps and process.
But for now
I’ll catch you in the next one