Visa Extensions APPROVED - Koji Podcast Episode Two

After waiting about two months we finally got word that our visa extensions have been approved.   It's an interesting feeling having to wait on someone else to make a decision to see if you'll be able to stay in your home or not.  I wouldn't say that it was a scary period of time but I will say I am officially glad it's done and approved. 

約2か月待った後、ようやくビザの延長が承認されたという知らせが届きました。 自分が家に居られるかどうかを誰かが判断してくれるのを待たなければならないというのは、興味深い気分だ。 それが恐ろしい期間だったとは言いませんが、それが完了し承認されたことを正式に嬉しく思います


Got Resident Cards?


Moving to Japan - Koji Podcast Episode One