Visa Renewals APPROVED!

So the other day I believe it was May 17, 2023 we got an amazing email! Our visa renewals / extensions have been approved! Being honest it was a long process; a lot longer then I had thought it would be. We started the paperwork etc in January, submitted the paperwork and taxes in March and did not hear back from them until May. Needless to say we are extremely grateful for the opportunity to continue to live and work here in Japan, but the last few months have been stressful.

Being that we require the visas to stay in Japan, so many question ran through my head. Primarily, what would we do if we could not stay. One if not the biggest question on my mind and the biggest cause of stress. It made me realize that millions of people every day live this life, not knowing if they’ll be able to stay somewhere they’re trying to create a life.

I’m thankful for the opportunity but again, it was stressful.

This week we have to go into the immigration bureau and pickup our new resident cards. We chose to do it on a Tuesday or Wednesday to avoid the crowds. HOPEFULLY it doesn’t take too long.

My recommendation to anyone renewing their visas in Japan, is to hire an attorney, just to make things easier (although potentially costly) and start doing the renewal ASAP. You are permitted to file three months prior to the expiration so don’t waste that time. The faster you get things done, the better for you and the faster you can relax.

Items WE needed to provide for our renewals (this is because we are self sponsored residents):

  1. Business documents showing income, business activity for the last year and all updated business registrations etc.

  2. Taxes (both business and personal)

  3. Extension Application

  4. Photo of self

  5. This year we also had to explain why we did not have income for the months of January - March. As we did not enter the country until March 29, we had no income at that time (in Japan) but we still needed to explain that to the bureau.

All in all as long as you pay your taxes, don’t break any laws and do what you’re supposed to then you’ll most likely be okay. So for those of you in the process, take your time, breath and just make sure to get it done asap.

Also, once they accept your application; you get an email that you must carry with you to show that you are in the process of renewing your visa. We kept a hard copy of this on us as well as the email via PDF form.

Let me know your thoughts or experiences as well!

Until the next one


Resident Cards Acquired!


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