
In Hawaii there are two trees at planted in our yard, one in the front and the other in the back.   These are OLD peach trees, one planted by my great-grandfather and the other perhaps mistakenly planted by my grandfather.

My grandfather would eat the peaches on the tree that would fruit yearly.  He would then throw the seeds into the front yard and told me it was “his way of planting them” which I would laugh and just call him lazy for not throwing them out.   He always jokingly told me that they would one day grow.

Years after my grandfather had passed; I was about to get a dog so I started to clean the side of our house to make a runner.  A tree started growing in the front of our house, which just so happen to be a peach tree.  To my surprise he was right and I thought to myself it was just coincidence but in some ways I thought it meant more.

The peach trees have been a symbol of family almost for my mom and thus have become things we can never destroy (on purpose). 

Moving to Japan I was having a hard time finding a place to have our dogs run around, as they were used to off leash, full running at our home.  The closest runner was about 20 minutes walk away and charged daily.  Neither of those things sounded too grand to me.

But after meeting some of the neighbors they introduced us to a lady who had a dog runner about 5 minutes from our home.  And she graciously allowed us to use it.

I didn’t notice this until recently but surrounding the entire runner are peach trees.  And the same type that is planted and growing at our home in Hawaii.

I know a lot of people will push this off as coincidence but I view this as a sign that things are where they are supposed to be. The symbol of our family has come to us in Japan and surrounding the things I love so much, my dogs.

One of our neighbors my newest friend told me a phrase that I do love and really matches the theme of this blog and, that’s: “Chance Meeting Anandam” which essentially means chance meeting happiness. His family has ran into many chance meetings with happiness and is how they live their lives. This conversation spoke volumes to me as I didn’t bring up the peaches with him until after he told me about Anandam!

In any event I thought it would be a good story to share.


Japans Complex & Robust Blend


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