Life as it’s Been

So the summer has finally passed and we are finally headed towards winter. The weather or rather the temperature has started to quickly drop, making the nights, nice and cold. I personally like it for the most part but it seems some of the puppies are not exactly the happiest campers. But they will be okay as they have each other to keep warm.

I have started the process of CLEANING as much as I can before winter comes. Over the summer with the dry dirt and of course shedding of fur the house was covered in a layer of dog and dust. So it’s been a challenge to clear through it all, but slowly we are getting there.

It’s important to me and I’m sure health wise to make sure the house is as clean as possible for the winter season as the house is mostly closed at this time. With limited airflow having a dirty house is not good.

I think it’s in Germany where they practice opening the house up, all doors, windows etc for about 15 minutes during the winter to allow fresh air to come in. I think this is a practice we will do this year just to make sure the air quality is of standard.

Winter prep also takes a lot of time, patching cracks, covering parts of the house and putting away everything that needs protection from the snow and cold. It seems like we have a lot of time but in reality its not.

This year in November our dad is coming around the 18th so help take care of the dogs and spend Thanksgiving with us. Then later in the month our Mom and her friends are coming to shop for Christmas. They arrive I think on the 29th and on the 30th we celebrate Thanksgiving together. Then we will head down to Osaka and Hiroshima. Will finish their trip out of Tokyo.

It’s been almost 8 months since we last saw our mom so it’s about time she made the journey.

Overall life has been okay, we are still healing from the loss of our Sandee and trying to make the best of our lives and time that we have. Losing Sandee was hard but it also made us realize how lucky we were to have her and now to have the puppies.

Our goals for the puppies and our lives have not changed. We are still actively working to get to a farm for them. We want them to have a space where they can play, run and do whatever in a safe, LARGE environment. So that is still the goal. In reality we are hoping that it happens within the next two years or so. But we just have to keep working towards that goal.

In any case I hope all of you are doing well and I’m sorry for the delay in update.

Our domain host (Google Domains) transitioned from there to Square Space Domains and in the transition our site was taken down for over a month. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is. But we’re back!

So again, hope everyone is doing well and will catch you in the next one!


Winter is Coming


My life with Sandee