Contagious Growth

The other day as my brother and I were walking home from taking our dogs on their afternoon walk, our neighbor stopped us and asked my brother for help.  I took the dogs home and then ran over to see what was going on.  I found him walking down the stairs holding a giant pot.  She has gifted us, I think a 25 gallon pot.  Now in most cases I’d probably have looked at her and told her no thanks, but an idea popped into my head as soon as I saw it.

I decided that I’m going to use the large pot gifted to us as a small aquaponic system to grow vegetables for our home.  Yeah, I’ve decided to start farming…. But in my own way and under my own terms. I personally have nothing against traditional farming, I think its one of the most fulfilling jobs there is and something that can provide you and your family / friends a reliable food source.

But what I don’t like about traditional farming is the fact that there are so many variables.  For example, ground tests, PH levels, watering issues etc, the list can go on and on.  Not to mention the extreme physical aspect of it, tilling, plowing, harvesting etc.

Another aspect that has kept me from agreeing to free land to grow food is, at the end of the day the land is not mine.  I have a mental block when it comes to that.  I don’t want to put a lot of time and effort into something especially land and then have the potential of it being taken away from me.  I think in the long run this is what really is preventing me from accepting.

But to the subject of the day.  My aquaponic system.

As far as the current area goes, it’s going to be something relatively familiar and different. The tanbo around me (rice patties) use aquaponics, they take river water into their field and allow the rice to grow that way.  BUT the farmers here only use that system for rice. From what I’ve seen, nothing else.

I’m very curious to see what my friend thinks of the system once its done.  He’s hard working, smart man and I love having his input but I also hope to surprise him with it at our home.

The plan; I’m going to take the pot that was gifted from our neighbor and two of these plastic bins that were left at the house and make them into three systems.  Each tank will have about 10 to 15 fish in them and I’ll be using a drop basket system for the plants. 

Essentially what will happen is the plants will drop into the water as needed, OR if I can find water is needed I may make it so that the water runs through a pipe with the plants in them. Giving the plants the water & food they need while sending oxygen into the fish tanks.   

I’ve made a system like this before at home but it’s honestly been a while. Fish waste produces a lot of bacteria that converts into nitrogen.  So it’s really good for plant growth. Once the system itself is fine tuned then it’ll pretty much run itself, with me really only needing to feed the fish and add water as needed.

So I’ll keep you all updated on my progress but it looks like I’ll be able to start soon!


Shibuya, Yoyogi & Harajuku


My Peach not Yours