The Unknown
This morning we woke up to an email from the Ministry of Justice saying that they have accepted our visa renewal applications and that they are now processing.
Now, I know we have done as much as we can to follow the guidelines set by our attorneys to ensure smooth renewal but you still have the feeling of “UNKNOWN”. Not knowing about something is probably the worst feeling imaginable.
After talking to our attorney they stated it would take about 5 business days to process the renewals. And I am hoping all does go smoothly.
We have requested a 3 year extension but because of our type of visas if they renew it may only be for one. Which in itself is fine but requires us to redo this process again next year.
In a way this makes it difficult to focus on expansion to focus on our future, because as it stands it’s incredibly UNKNOWN.
I would say, either way we have had an amazing time in Japan this far. And I would be honored and love to renew our visas for a longer term, but will be humbled with anything.
Continuing our journey is a dream and one I really hope comes true.
Until the final decisions come in, we shall wait. See what the future holds and hope for the best potential outcomes.
So I’ll keep you all posted as things progress. But I shall leave you with this. Don’t be afraid of the unknown, it’s what makes the final destination so worthwhile, makes you grow as a person and helps you realize that you should cherish what is here, now.
So until then, see you in the next one