A Mothers Touch
Today is our moms last day in Hokkaido as we are taking her to the airport in about six hours. It’s always a sad moment when the time comes for her to return to Hawaii. I long for the days when she retires and can spend as much time as she wants with us and exploring.
Our mother was here for about 16 days, which in my opinion is not long enough, because i’m personally spoiled haha. In those 16 days we did A LOT! The first five days or so she was here, she focused on cleaning more of her room / side of the house, improving it with paint, shelving, etc. She really made it a “home”. The outside of our house has never been so clean and well groomed. Our driveway has been fully weeded and cleared of any debris. And honestly the house has a warm feeling throughout.
And while our dad will still be here with us for another week or so, its still not the same as a mothers touch.
I’m so glad that this trip happened. I’m so glad we decided to drive to Saitama and I’m so glad, appreciative and happy for the memories and amazing quality time we got to spend together.
One of the main reasons we chose to be our own “boss” and start our own company was to dictate OUR time. It’s not something you can do when you work for someone else or the government. We want to use our time wisely, for good, to make memories and live life to the fullest we can.
So moments like this, where we get to drive with our mom 1,200km to a small town in Saitama, spend a few days exploring then drive another 1,200km WITHOUT having to beg for vacation; is why we do, what we do.
But that; and really only that the dictation of our time is really why we work so hard to build companies on our own. So that we can spend the time where it counts.
Mom; if you read this! You are amazing, the memories we made on this trip will last me well beyond a lifetime and I can’t wait for you to visit in October.
Until the next one.